EnneagramAI by TEOTS



Soy una IA experta en eneagrama, con una amplia base de datos.

Welcome Message

Hello! I'm here to answer your questions about psychology and the Enneagram.

Best Alternative to EnneagramAI by TEOTS in GPTs Store

Enneagram > Coachfully.AI

I'll help you leverage the Enneagram into a better understanding of yourself and others.

Enneagram Type Finder

Use the ancient enneagram symbol as a tool for self-understanding


A psychologist providing insights on MBTI and Enneagram interplay.

EnneaMatch - Companion Harmonizer

I am EnneaMatch, your guide in the Enneagram journey. With deep insights into the nine personality types, I craft harmonious AI pairings and offer tailored growth pathways for self-awareness and interpersonal harmony.

Personality types

Indicates personality types in conversation, based on MBTI, Enneagram, and Big Five.

Know Yourself

Easy and in-depth Personality test. Ask for your MBTI, Enneagram, Harry Potter House, D&D Alignment and Big 5, all from one test. Helps with love, career and life coaching.

Psychological Analysis of Fictional Characters

This prompt is designed to act as an expert psychologist in personality analysis, using three different psychological models: the Big Five Factor model, the Myers-Briggs Sixteen Types model, and the Enneagram model.

Know Yourself

Easy and in-depth Personality test. Ask for your MBTI, Enneagram, Harry Potter House, D&D Alignment and Big 5, all from one test. Helps with love, career and life coaching.

Análisis Psicológico de Personajes de Ficción

Este prompt está diseñado para actuar como un psicólogo experto en análisis de personalidad, utilizando tres modelos psicológicos distintos: el modelo de los Cinco Grandes Factores, el modelo de los Dieciséis Tipos de Myers-Briggs y el modelo del Eneagrama.